Honey Comb Haven Home Or Avatar World (Cheaper on Payhip)
Please Purchase on either:
Jinxxy: https://jinxxy.com/smolbeancreate
Or Payhip: https://payhip.com/SmolBeanCreations
The Prices on my gumroad have doubled so everything is cheaper on the other 2 websites.
Honey Comb Haven Now With More Bees!
2 Variations 1 has a game room the other has a room to put avatars.
Cheaper on payhip: https://payhip.com/b/xOrXF
Made on newest version of creator companion update.
Must first import pro builder in the package manager then import in the file
World includes assets, Scene and Optimization
Unity file
You are Not allowed to resell! This is for personal use only!
Yes you may upload as public tho!
Giveaways on my discord!
If you have any issues feel free to join my discord server: https://discord.gg/JqUe9d8K
Or message me directly on discord: smol_bean69
Make sure when you add new items if they are Not floors, pickups or moving objects that they are set too static objects and every time you move or add something you bake the file in Occlusion or some items may not render correctly.
Note: If you add a second room make sure to put an occlusion portal around it as well.
~ Credits ~
No refunds.